Write a Composition on Television


         Introduction : The history of human civilization teils the advancement and achievement of science. With the passage of time man has invented and discovered newer and newer wonders of science and television is one of them. It is a wonderful device for sending pictures to distant places. The word 'television' comes from the Latin word 'tele' and 'vision' 'Tele' means distance and 'vision' means to see. So the word television means seeing from distance. We can see the happenings of the different parts of the world through it.

        History of its invention : Television is the most modern means of communicating ideas and thoughts. We hear the speeches of the world famous personalities. It serves much more than a radio. It is like a stage where performers are seen and heard. It gives us news on national and international matters.

      Recreation : Television is a source of recreation. After day's hard work we sit before a television set and hear music and songs. We enjoy drama, dance and many other things. We see the actors and actresses. 

       Educative value : Television has a great educative value. It teaches the illiterate and the  students. It is used to remove illiteracy. We hear and enjoy debates lectures on various  important topics, discussions on science & speeches through television. It has broken the  wall between the literate and the illiterate.

         Games and sports : Nowadays people need not go to stadium to enjoy a game. They sit before a television set and enjoy football, cricket, tennis and other games and sports.   

       Other points : Television has made the world small. It has conquered time and distance. People need not spend huge money to go abroad. We get familiar with the customs and traditions, fashions and dresses and culture of the people of different parts of the world through the television. It conveys social, political, economic, culture and religious news of home and abroad. 
         Demerits : Television  has some demerits also. Sometime students prefer enjoying television to study. Young boys are fond of sitting before televisions in place of playing in the field. Thus it hinders the growth of the young generation. Sometimes obscene films and almost naked dances are shown in the television which are very much harmful.
       Conclusion : Television is an important medium of mass communication. It plays an important role in our day to day life. So television programes should be carefully produced.