Application Prayer For Ensuring Regular Delivery Of Letters In Our Locality

10 July, 2007
The Postmaster General
Mumbai, India

Subject: Prayer for ensuring regular delivery of letters in our locality.

Dear Sir,
I write this complain to you about irregular delivery of letters in our locality. We live in the Nag Para area of Mumbai. But it's a matter of great regret that we are deprived of regular postal service. Even a few months ago we would get our letters in due time. The previous postman never failed in making his usual rounds everyday. He never neglected to deliver letters to the right addressees at the right time. But since the joining of the present postman, many of us get our letters a day or two days late. There are cases of missing letters too. It causes us great inconvenience.

I would, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough to look into the matter and ensure regular delivery of letters in our locality.

Yours faithfully,
Fazlul Haque
50 Nag para, Mumbai, India