Application Prayer For Setting Up A Reading Room

March 4, 2007
The Headmaster
Jakarta Govt. Muslim High School
Jakarta, Indonesia

Subject: Prayer for setting up a reading room.

We, the students of your school, beg most respectfully to state that we have been suffering greatly for want of a reading room in the school. As there is no reading room for us in the school, we are compelled to spend our recess periods and off times either loitering about  or, in idle gossips.  A reading room equipped with interesting books, magazines, journals, newspapers will surely help us to make good use of our leisure periods.

We. therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps for sening up a reading room in the school at your earliest convenience and oblige thereby.

Your most obediently,
H. Rahman, AK Khan Class X
On behalf of the students of
Chittagong Govt Muslim high school