Application Prayer For Sinking Tube-wells

May 26. 2007
The Chairman
Sreepur Union Parishadabad
Guwahati, India

Subject:  Prayer for sinking tube-wells.

I, on behalf of the people of Sreepur, would like to draw your kind attention to the acute  scarcity of pure drinking water in our village. The few tanks that were used as sources of  pure drinking water for the villagers have already dried up on account of severe drought. There are, of course. three tube-wells in the village. But two of them have gone out of order. The remaining one is. therefore. inadequate to supply pure drinking water for nearly 250 families. As such, the villagers have to drink impure water of ponds and canals and suffer from diseases like diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera etc. Hence the sinking of, at least, two more tube-wells in our village may remove the long felt want of pure drinking water of the villagers.

In the circumstances, I earnestly request you to take immediate steps to sink at least two more tube-wells in our village to ensure the supply of pure drinking water to the villagers. For this act of your kindness, we will remain ever grateful to you.

Yours faithfully,
Jamal Uddin Khan
On behalf of the people of Sreepur