Application Visit To A Historical Place Sonargaon

February 11, 2007
The Headmaster
Government Muslim High School
Guwahati, India

Subject: Prayer for a visit to a historical place Sonargaon

We, the students of class X of your school, beg to state that we have an ardent desire to visit Sonargaon, a place of historical importance. Sonargaon has a glorious past with relics of the then Sultans who had their capital at Sonargaon and ruled Bengal for many years. We have learnt about them in history. We believe that we can learn more from such a visit to the place. Our bookish knowledge will be supplemented by direct experience which we like to have from the visit.

We. therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to make arrangements for us to visit Sonargaon at an early date.

Yours most obediently,
M. A. Zaman
On behalf of the students of class X
Govt. Muslim High School, Guwahati, India