Composition My Experience of a Journey by Air

Journey by Air

A journey by air is thrilling (cmrwv) and at the same time enjoyable. A few days ago, 1 got an opportunity of enjoying such a journey from Mumbai to New York. My elder brother who works in New York sent me an air ticket and asked me to go there. It was December 23, 2005. I arrived at the terminal of Mumbai International Airport, India, about an hour before the flight. An airport officer checked my ticket, did all other formalities and gave me a boarding card on which the number of my seat was written. It was a domestic flight. At about 8:30 a.m. I got into the plane with other fellow passengers. When all the passengers were in, the door was closed. As the plane was ready to talce off, we were asked to fasten our seat belts. We were also given instructions about what to do in case of emergency. At first the plane moved along the ground on its wheel and then it rose into the air.  A few minutes later a stewardess came with orange and lemon squash. I took a glass and as I was sipping, I looked through the window. There were clouds floating around the plane. Houses and trees below looked like tiny toys. Rivers flowing below appeared to be thin lines drawn on a sheet of paper. I kept on looking. I lost myself in the midst of such amazing situation.

Suddenly it was announced that we were very close to New York and we would be landing in a few minutes. I had no idea that the flight would b Actually. the flight from Dhaka to Chittagong takes about 35 minutes. However. began to come down and landed safely, Although I felt a little nervous at the b gotit over after a short while, Thus my first journey by air which was full of  tl to an end.  Airport so short.  ', the plane eginning, I  hrills came