Composition The necessity of Physical Exercise

The necessity of Physical Exercise

The necessity of Physical Exercise. Physical exercise means the regular movement of different parts of the body to keep them active and strong. Without physical exercise none can enjoy good health. It is essential for all of us. It keeps us free from diseases and makes us physically strong and healthy.

We need a sound body and a sound mind in order to live well. It is physical  exercise which enables us to have a sound mind in a sound body. "Build up your body if   you want to build up your mind", was the slogan of the ancient Greeks. Physical exercise   confers some other benefits too. It offers us recreations. It takes our mind away from the   drudgery of work and fills it with joy. It gives us fresh energy. refreshes our mind and   helps us to return to work with renewed vigor. It increases our longevity too. It ensures us   a healthy and happy life. It prolongs our life and keeps our body and mind fit for work. It    also teaches us the principle of discipline and regularity. We, therefore. should take some     sort of physical exercise regularly.

    There are various forms of physical exercise such as:- walking. swimming. riding. running      as well as playing cricket, football. hockey. badminton, tennis and various forms of  gymnastics. But all forms of exercises are not equally suitable to all of us. For the young, all kinds of games such as football. cricket. hockey, tennis are quite good. For the women badminton and table tennis are quite nice. On the other hand. walking is good for the weak and the old.

  We should also remember that morning and evening are the best time for taking physical exercise. And no exercise should be taken in empty stomach or immediately after taking meal.