Composition On School Library


My School Library 

 A library is usually a room or, a building where various collections of books on different subjects are kept ready for the readers to satisfy their thirst for knowledge. Now-a-clays it is a part and parcel of every school. 

Like many other schools. we have a big library in our school. It is situated on the upstairs oY the school building. It is a spacious room having a number of Almirahs containing books on literaturc, history, geography, science, religion etc. At present it hus as many as ten thousand books on various subjects. Really, we are fortunate that our school has a rich library.

  There is a well-furnished reading room attached to it. Students come here to pass their leisure hours by reading books, magazines etc. according to their choice. There is a trained and qualified librarian who is in charge of the library. He is a very good man. He helps the students to select good books in every possible way. He keeps the books in the library in a systematic order.

  Our teachers can also collect different reference books from the library for their better understanding about a subject. It is our school library that can meet the needs of the students. Poor students who can't afford to buy their books can receive or borrow them from the library.

 Every year. the library is enriched with new books on the latest subjects and topics. It is. so to speak. a storehouse of knowledge. It is our duty to go to the library regularly in order to equip ourselves with knowledge about different subjects. The true function of a school library is to supply the students good books that widen their knowledge and help them to grow up intellectually. As a poet says:-
  '  Away from the noise and bustle,         
Just take me 
   To the quiet sanctity   
    of the library."