Conposotion A Journey by bus

A Journey by bus           

               ary. My annual examination was over. I had recess for some days.                                              :'s house at Jamalpur by bus. Hearing the news my                                   15''' January 2006 we got into the bus at Mohakhali bus ;::-..j. dtl.its:ddl e;tti. f ;::ty: uncle's hi                                            ; pleasant sunshine. The bus started punctually just at 6 a.m. I sat                                                  h it. The sun was rising with all its splendid lte7÷j i i  jfaelee;.eofie::Sjj÷jSt:ee trhbrou,                                   an  reas our bus began running at a high speed along .  gazed at the houses, trees, and meadows through  the window wgth a cheerful',b:dh T:jnSgI ame to my vision and vanished in the twinkling of an eye. Everything on either side seemed running swiftly to the opposite direction. When the bus was running in between the forest Modhupur ghar the tall trees with green leaves overhead gave a nice view. I was really charmed at the green panoramic beauties of Nature. It filled my heart with great joy. The bus ran at a stretch without stopping for three hours. It then stopped at a place named Palash. There was a restaurant by the roadside. We got down from the bus and had light refreshment there. After a few minutes the bus began its journey again crossing the green fields on both the sides of the road. This time we saw bare-bodied youngsters children tending cattle. the grown up people working in the field. Occasionaly we saw village women and girls bathing and washing clothes in the ponds. At about 12 noon we reached Jamalpur. Thus our journey came to an end. The journey by bus was really a pleasant one. I can hardly forget the sweet memory of this