Formal Letter Prayer For The Establishment Of A Post Office

April 19, 2007
The Postmaster General
Government of the People's Republic of Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia

Subject: Prayer for the establishment of a post office

We, the inhabitants of the village Mammi the district of Polewali, beg to lay before you the following facts for favor of your kind consideration and immediate action. Ours is a big village with a population of nearly five thousand. But it's a matter of regret that there is no post office in our village. As the nearest post office is about four kilometers away from our village, we have to walk a long distance to post the letters and to purchase post cards, envelopes, stamps etc. The situation gets worse in the rains when the village  roads go under water and the postman finds it difficult to perform his normal duties.

In the above circumstances, we pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps to set up a branch post office in our village at your earliest convenience in order to remove the sufferings of the villagers.

Yours faithfully,
Hasib Khan, Ward Member
On behalf of the inhabitants of the village Mammi,
Jakarta, Indonesia