Formal Letter Prayer For Permission To Open A Relief Camp In The School Compound

August 5. 2007
The Headmaster
Selangor Hamidia High School
Selangor, Malaysia

Subject: Prayer for permission to open a relief camp in the school compound
We, the students of your school, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact chat the recent  of devastating flood has caused untold miseries to the people of our locality. Most of the people have lost their shelters. Now they are passing their days on boats and on the of the houses without food and drinking water. Unless some relief measures are taken to save them, many people are likely to die. So we have decided to come forward to  help the victims. As such, we want open a relief camp in our school compound in order to provide shelter to the homeless people. We will collect relief goods in cash from the rich people and distribute them to the affected people.

We. therefore. request the favor of your kind permission to open a relief camp in our school compound so that we may devote ourselves to relieve the sufferings of the flood affected people of our locality.

Yours most obediently,
Rafiqul Islam. Class X,
Hasan Mursfwl, Class IX
On behalf of the students of
Selangor Hamidia High School
Selangor, Malaysia