Write a letter to your friend describing the causes of the air pollution

Jakarta is a city of more a than million people. The air of the city is getting polluted day by day for which the life of the city dwellers are threatened. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the causes of the pollution of air in the city of Jakarta.

6 May, 2007
Balikpapan, Indonesia

Dear Sayma,
Your sweet note has just anchored the shore of my heart. You are eager to know about the evils of the pollution of air in the city of Jakarta. Here I am writing a few lines about the same.

Jakarta is now a city of millions of people. The number of population is enormous here. Building stand close to one another having little open space. With the increase of population the number of vehicles such as buses, trucks, cars etc. are increasing rapidly. They are constantly polluting air by emitting black smoke and carbon monoxide. Burning of pitch for road construction also pollutes air by creating smoke. Besides these, refuse. rubbish and garbage lying scattered here and there also pollute air when they get rotten and mix with air.

So, by being polluted, the over populated Jakarta City is going to be unhygienic for living. If the present situation goes on unchecked, the city will become unfit for living within a short time.
You are fortunate that you are free from the din and bustle  the hurry and scurry of city life. This is all for today. Convey my best regards to your parents and love to younger.

Yours ever,


Suha Basha

Balikpapan, Indonesia



Sayma Bang La

74/k, Jakarta
