Asking Your Father To Send You Some Money For Buying Books

6 May, 2007
Bina Bangsa School Hostel
Balikpapan, Indonesia

Dear Father,
Your cheering note of the 15th instant is to hand. You have wanted to know the results of my Test Examination. You'll be glad to know that I've stood first in the Test Examination. I've secured distinction marks in aggregate. I hope I'll do much better in the S.S.C. Examination. Now I shall have to buy a copy of Test papers, two copies of Test papers made easy and a guide-book, for which I am badly in need of Rupees 500-(Five hundred). So please send me the money at an early date. Please pray to Allah for my success.

Please convey my best regards to my beloved mother and love to my younger brothers and sisters.

Your affectionate son,
Kamal Suha