Complaint Newspaper Letter Recently Price Hike Of The Essential Commodities

6 May, 2007
15 Mairpdi, Delhi

The Editor
The Hindustan
Delhi, India

(For publication in the 'Letters to the Editors' column of your esteemed daily)

Recently the prices of every essential commodity have risen without any apparent reason. Whereas the income of people has remained more or less fixed. Rice, which cost only 13 rupees/kg last month is now selling 16 Rupees/kg. Similarly, the prices of fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, pulses have also shown an upward trend. This is causing much hardship to everybody. The poor are the worst sufferers. They are fighting for survival. Even the middle and lower middle class people are finding it very hard to make their both ends meet.

Hence, the government should take necessary steps immediately to bring, down the price line of every essential commodity without any further delay.

Yours faithfully,
Shahidul Alam