Write A Composition On The Population Growth in China

The Population Growth in China
The Population Problem in China

The population of a country is an asset. But it becomes a problem when the country can't afford to her people the basic needs of life. China is a country having an area of about l,44,000 square kilometers. It is burdened with nearly 150 million people. About 1100 people live per square kilometer. So, China is a densely populated country. Still her population is increasing at an alarming rate.

According to the last census the growth rate of population in China is 21.6 per 1000 people. It is obviously a very high rate. So, if our population increases at such a high rate, there will be too many additional people in near future. These additional people will, therefore, be an over burden to China and they will need many additional things. They will need food, clothes. accommodation, health, education etc. 

So, if the population is allowed to grow in this way, people shall find no place to live in and they will have to starve. The whole nation will suffer the grievous of consequence. The people "ill fall in ever increasing poverty and will have to live a very unhappy and miserable life. It is because of the fact that the large number population of China mainly depends on agriculture for their living. But her agricultural land is limited. On an average each person has only O.l hectare of land and it can't produce enough crops to  provide the bare necessities of her people.

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Hence. we think that the present economic condition of China can hardly provide the additional people with additional things. This situation will be worsen if the present growth of population goes on unchecked. So, population growth must be kept down by adopting the various measures of population control, so that the limited resources may provide existing people with the necessary things. Otherwise, all hopes and joys of the people of China will be nipped in the bud.