Write a composition on Journey by boat

A Journey by boat

  A journey by boat is very pleas,ml as well as inicrcsfing. A few days ago ! made such a Wey with some of my friends from Demra lo Ghorasal, tc was somcching like ,a thrilhng

advenrunau mr_ After making all necessary arrangements we hired a beautiful boat. It was 15th October 2005. We started our journey just at 12 noon. The boatmen began to row the boat and it was moving swiftly. A gentle breeze was blowing and small waves were beating against the boat. The ripples of the waves made a sweet murmuring sound. We enjoyed the beautiful sights on both sides of the river. The green trees and paddy fields on either side of the river gave a nice view. We saw the fishermen catching fish and young boys and giris bathing and swimming in the river. Houses and trees on the both sides of the river were seen coming and going slowly. At about 2 p m. our boat touched the ghat of a village market Some of my friends got down from the boat and bought a large 'Hilsha fish'. The boatmen cooked it and we had a nice meal. At abour 4 p.m. we started our journey again.
The evening came with allits beauty and glory.I with some of my friends got on the roof of the boat and enjoyed the grand sight of Nature. The crimson rays of the serting sun and the beauty of the green fieids charmed us. After seven hours' journey we reached Ghorasal. Some of our friends were waiting for us at the ghat. They accorded us a hearty reception.
We spent a happy time with them. After alapse of about three hours we again got into the bom and started our return journey. The return journey was equally pleasant. The boat was passing very -gently. It was a moon-lit-night. All my friends came out of the hood and sat on the roof. The moon'.s beam flooded the whole river and filled it with uncommon beauty. Out of joy one of rny friends began singing a sweet song. I thought I was in a dreamland where only joy and beauty reign. The boatmen also began to sing     
"Row, row, row the boat,
gently down the stream.

  Merrily, merrily, merrily. life is but a dream". When the night advanced. we entered inside the hood and lay down and fell asleep. The  next morning when we woke up il was jusl daylight. Our boat reached Demra and we got  down from the boat  Thus our journey came to an end.