Write a letter to your friend to describing the annual prize giving ceremony of your school

6 May, 2007
Bina Bangsa School Hostel
Balikpapan, Indonesia
Dear Sayma,
I have received your letter just now. I am highly glad at your eagerness to know about the Annual Prize Giving Ceremony of our school. You'll be glad to know that I received as many as three prizes - one for standing first in the class, one for good handwriting and another for good character.

The ceremony was held on the 15m instant in a befitting manner in a large pandal in the school campus. The function was presided over by the headmaster of our school. The Honorable Education Minister was the chief guest. When the chief guest arrived. the scouts of our school gave him a guard of honour. The function began just at 10 a.m. with a recitation from the holy Quran. Our Headmaster first read out the Annual Report of the school. The chief guest then gave away the prizes among the winners.

After the distribution of the prizes, the chief guest thanked the winners of the prizes for their brilliant success and encouraged them to do better in future. He also advised them to train themselves up in discipline and to build up their character to become good citizens of the country. Then the assistant headmaster thanked the distinguished guests and others present on the occasion.

At the end, a cultural function was arranged by the students of the school to entertain the guests. It was a pleasant day for me. I am quite well. No more today. With love and good wishes to you,
Yours ever,
Champa Basha


Champa Basha

Bina Bangsa School Hostel

Balikpapan, Indonesia



Sayma Bang La

74/k, Jakarta
