Write A Letter To Your Friend Describing An Accident

6 May, 2007
Bina Bangsa School Hostel
Balikpapan, Indonesia

Dear Sayma,
I have just received your letter. You wanted to know how we are. But in return I tell you about an account of a very woeful tale of an accident which occurred before my eyes.

The other day while I was passing along Jakarta Avenue. I suddenly heard a loud crack. I turned my eyes to the direction where the sound came from. I went there hastily. I can't express what I saw with my own eyes. A boy of my age fell under the wheels of a truck. which was running fast. I saw the boy groaning under pain and struggling with death. Within a few minutes everything came to an end. After making proper queries I found that he was our common friend Iqbal. I couldn't check my tears. His parents were informed of the accident by the police and the dead body was taken to the hospital for autopsy.

I came back to my house with a heavy heart bearing the horrible scene of the accident in   mind. Still I get horrified when I remember the tragic accident.

With love and good wishes to you,
Your grieved friend,
Champa Basha


Champa Basha

Bina Bangsa School Hostel

Balikpapan, Indonesia



Sayma Bang La

74/k, Jakarta
