Write your friend telling him how you have prepared yourself for the ensuing S.S.C. Examination

6 May, 2007
Bina Bangsa School Hostel
Balikpapan, Indonesia

Dear Bang,
Your letter of the 10th instant has opened my eyes. I am really thankful to you for your query about my preparation for the ensuing S.S.C Examination. I am happy to know that you are well prepared for it I am sure, you will achieve a grand success in the examination. To be quite candid, I won't suppress anything from you. I have prepared myself well the examination. Only Allah knows what is in store for me. However, I am confident of good results.

Of late, I have overcome my deficiencies in General and Elective Math. I have taken equal caution against all other subjects and have revised them several times. My house tutors also examined me many times. I am hopeful of obtaining distinction marks in all the subjects. Now I am awaiting for the examination with all eagerness.

Please convey my deep regards to your parents. With love and best wishes to you.

Yours ever,


Champa Basha

Bina Bangsa School Hostel

Balikpapan, Indonesia



Sayma Bang La

74/k, Jakarta
