Write An Application To The Headmaster Praying For A Full-free Studentship

30 May, 2016

The Headmaster
Lalapur High School
Lalapur, India

Subject :  Prayer for a full free studentship. 


With due respect and humble submission, I beg to state that I am a student of class IX in your school. I have been reading your school for four years. Since my admission I have been doing well in all my examinations. This year I stood first in the class.

Further I beg to  state that my father is a Primary School teacher. He is only earning member of our family. But he gets a small salary for which he is not able to bear my education expenses after maintaining a large family consisting of eight members. So, if I am not favoured  with a full free studentship from the school, I am afraid, I will have to stop my studies which will shatter all my hopes and aspirations.

In the circumstances, I fervently pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me a full free studentship from this month of the School so that I can continue my studies further.

Your most obedient pupil,
Akbor Hossen
Class : IX
Roll : 3