Write a dialogue on Load-shedding

Topic : Load- shedding

Speakers : Myself (Julian) and my friend (Rahim)
[I meet Rahim on my way home and stop him.]

Myself:Hello, Rahim. How are you ?
Rahim:Very well. Thank you. And how about you?
Myself:Fine, thanks. But you’re looking gloomy(মনমরা). Is anything wrong with you?
Rahim:Nothing’s wrong with me. I’m fed up with the present situation of load-shedding in
 our locality.
Myself:Do you have time to have a cup of coffee with me?
Rahim:Yes, I do.
Myself:Then let’s go to the nearby coffee shop. There we’ll talk about it.
Rahim:Let’s go.

[We enter the coffee shop & order two cup of coffee for us. ]

Myself:Now, tell me how you’re affected(আক্রান্ত) by load-shedding.
Rahim:I can neither prepare my lessons properly nor do my homework regularly because of
 load-shedding. My final exam is near at hand & I’m really anxious(উদ্বিগ্ন) about it.

[Coffee arrives & we start sipping slowly]

Myself:Load-shedding is not a local problem but a national problem. Somehow we have to
 cope with this problem, because it’s not immediately solvable.
Rahim:What can we do in this regard(ক্ষেত্রে)?
Myself:In fact, we have nothing to do. We can only make full use of daylight.
Rahim:What can we do at night?
Myself:We can work by candlelight(সন্ধ্যাকাল) at night.
Rahim:We’re so helpless! I wish these days were over.
Myself:So do I.
Rahim:Thanks for your coffee.
Myself:Don’t mention it.
Rahim:Let’s get moving.

[I pay the bill and leave the coffee shop with Rahim]