Write a paragraph on A Rainy Day

A Rainy day

                  It was a day of rainy season. It had been drizzling since morning that day. I was having my meal when the sky became dark with dense clouds. l hastily finished my meal and got ready to go to school. Big drops of rain began to fall then. Mother asked me to wait but that was not possible for my first terminal examination began two days ago and the subject that day was English Paper 1. I took my umbrella and set out. I had gone only a few steps when it began to pour. Soon it began to rain in torrents. So I took shelter in a wayside house. I got drenched thoroughly. I pulled off my shoes and shirt and waited in the hope that the rains would soon cease. But there was no sign of abating. So I started again. I feared that if I were late I should not be allowed to sit for the examination, I went on quickly. When I reached school, I pulled off my shirts and shoes. The headmaster came out of his room and found most of the examinees absent and saw my miserable condition. I was wet from head to foot and was shivering with cold. So he told me to go home and said that there would be no examination that day. So I again took the way in rains and came home back thanking our teachers and the rains.


A day with rain is a rainy day. A rainy day is dull the sky is overcast with black clouds. The sun is not seen. The weather is foul. From the early morning, it begins to rain in torrents. A rainy day is a curse for a poor man, He cannot go out for his daily works. He has to sit under leaky roof. A passer-by passes along a muddy and slippery road. He runs the risk of a foot-slip and a fall. He uses an umbrella. But there is hardly any protection from heavy rainfall. He gets drenched. But a rainy day is welcomed by the rich. They make the best use of the situation. Some of them make arrangements for indoor games. Some gossip and some sleep for some time. A rainy day is most welcome to students as they can easily enjoy a holiday.


On a rainy day, the sky remains overcast with clouds. The sun is not visible. It looks dull and dismal all around. It pours and drizzles continuously round the clock. Along with the sharp showers, thunder roars, lightning flashes, and a strong wind blow. Rivers, canals and tanks swell up; roads and paths get muddy and submerged; the pedestrians with umbrella overhead have to move with care and caution. All work remains practically suspended. Students cannot go to schools and colleges, and the few who go become drenched and shivering with a break-up on account of the rainy day. The labourers and day-wage-earners are hard hit on a rainy day. They cannot go out to earn their livelihood. But the even tenor of rain striking upon the tin roofs and window-panes give one a poetic mood. However, a rainy day is, after all, a day of confinement at home.


A rainy day is dull. The sky is overcast with black clouds. The sun is not seen. The weather is foul. From the early morning, it begins to rain in torrents. A rainy day is a curse for a poor man. He cannot go out for his daily works. He has to sit under leaky roof. A passer-by passes along a muddy and slippery road. He runs the of a foot slip and a fall. He uses an umbrella. But there is hardly any protection from heavy rainfall. He gets drenched. But a rainy day is welcomed by the rich. They make the best use of the situation. Some of them make arrangements for indoor games, some gossip and some sleep for some time. A rainy day is most welcome to students as they can easily enjoy a holiday.