A Winter Morning Paragraph | Paragraph Writing

A winter morning is cold and dismal and is covered with mist. Everything seems hazy. One can hardly see and identify things at a distance. The grasses below are wet with dew and sparkle like pearls in the sunbeams. People in warm clothes to keep themselves warm look strange. The old people shiver in cold. People gather straw and make fires at different places to bask in the heat. Then the sun peeps over the eastern horizon and starts rising. Nature takes on a charming aspect. The touch of the sun-rays makes the birds and beasts quite happy. Farmers go to the fields and begin their day’s work. With the advancing sun, people shirk off the feeling of cold and set about their usual course of work. Then the scene of mist and fog disappears and the sunny morning paves the way for man’s daily duties.


Winter is the season of cold. The cold is biting in the morning. So many people do not like to get up early in the morning. They keep within doors till the sun rays enter into their rooms. The early-risers put on warm wrapper to keep off the cold. Yet they shiver from head to foot. Some of them make fires and sit around them to warm their bodies. A foggy winter morning is disliked by all. Grass remains hidden with dense fog. In a clear and fine winter morning dew-drops glitter in the sun. A cup of hot tea is very enjoyable and refreshing in a winter morning.