Joint MSc Math in Austria, France, Germany, Italy | International Student Scholarship Search


Full fee waiver and maintenance award to join our international MSc in Mathematical Modelling ("MathMods"), financed through the Erasmus Mundus programme over the last 10 years. MathMods is a 2-year Joint MSc program which can be taken in 4 EU universities: University of L’Aquila in Italy (UAQ), Vienna University of Technology in Austria (TUW), University of Hamburg in Germany (UHH), and University of Côte d'Azur in Nice, France (UCA). What makes MathMods so special is its peculiar mobility scheme, that is the fact that our students will be spending their graduate years in two or even three different European countries. You'll be studying in central Italy for your first semester, then move to Austria or Germany for the second term, and finally move again to 1 of our 4 partners for your second year, based on the mobility path you'll be assigned.

Sponsor: The MathMods Consortium

Award Restrictions

Applicants for this award must meet the following criteria:

Host Countries Austria, France, Germany and Italy

Field Of Study List Engineering, Mathematics, Physics and Technology

Other Criteria FEES AND SCHOLARSHIPS Funding opportunities are open to students from any country around the world. Participation costs: usually amount to EUR 16,000 in total (EUR 4,000 per semester). But all our selected students will benefit from FULL FEE WAIVER for the participation costs. Hence, you will only need to pay administrative fees, which amount to a total of 2,000 EUR, due in 4 instalments (i.e. 500 EUR due before each semester begins). In addition, selected students may benefit from local grants available in our partner universities to cover daily maintenance costs (canteen, rent, mobility abroad etc.). Current students, just to give an idea, have all been awarded an average of 5,000 EUR to cover their expenses over Year1. Detailed information about how to apply and what such grants may cover will be emailed to applicants when the selection is complete.

Host Institution: University of L'Aquila, Italy

This award is linked to a specific institution.

Award Specifications

Additional information about this award.

Amount €2,000

Number of Awards 30

Deadline April 30

Includes Participation costs, which include any compulsory administrative/operational cost related to the participation of the student in the MathMods Programme: tuition fees, library, laboratory, examinations, etc. Maintenance awards are available, too. Detailed information about how to apply and what such grants may cover, will be emailed to applicants when the selection is complete.