USA F1 Visa Interview Experience For Foreign Students - Rejected #29

 Hello everyone,

can you please help give me some advise. 

I am a F1 visa holder in the USA, and now my sister is applying for visa too but she didn't pass the interview. 

Her interview question are 

-Do you have a sister who is studying in the USA?

   Yes, I do.

- Are you applying to the same school?

     yes, I am. 

-Why did you choose this school?

I choose Phoenix college because Phoenix college provide the best pre nursing study program. Morover Phoenix college is consider as one of the largest community college in the world with large compuse and they have a lot of study resourse for study.There are a lot of fun activities for me to join such as students club, competition and many other special events which I can learn and gain more experiences which will be useful for my future career.

( the interviewer stopped, and they discuss with their team?

-What is you parent's job?


-What is you future plan?

After graduate I am planning to work at khmer soviet hospital or Konpheakbor pa hospital for 4 to 5 year to gain more experiences and then I will go back to Battambang which is my hometown to work and take care of my parent since they are getting older and I also want to help people in my hometown.

Is it a high chance for her to pass the interview for the interview again?

should she apply to a different school?