USA F1 Visa Interview Experience For Bangladeshi Students - Approved #17 k many many thanks 

Visa experience :

Visa status: Approved 

University : Southeast Missouri State University 

Subject : MS in Environmental Science 


Middle aged frowny faced white officer 

Me: Good Afternoon Sir!

VO: Silent

Me: (Pointing to my file) Can I put that here?

VO: Pass me you I-20 and passport please.

Me: Sure sir! There you go.

VO: Why did you choose this university? 

Me: Well sir, I connected with a faculty member, Dr. K* F* with whom I share research interest amd we talked about my potential MS research topic and she then encouraged me to put in an application for this university. 

VO: What's her specialty?

Me: She is interested in aquatic ecology and currently working on three research projects.

VO: What's your research goal? 

Me: Specifically, she is working on a project that analyzes the impact on food webs the beavers have....

VO: (Waving hand to stop me) Impact on what?

Me: Food web sir. It is a complicated chain of energy transfer between organisms.

VO: (With a slight smile) So you’re going to work with beavers?

Me: Actually on the recolonization of beavers on Kimball Creek and it's effects......

VO: (Waving hand to make stop sign) You're good, you’re good.

So who's your sponsor?

Me: Since my father died in 2019, my mother inherited everything that father owned and she is going to sponsor my education abroad. 

VO: What did your father do?

Me: My father was a criminal lawyer who practiced law for almost 26 years. 

VO: After thinking for a while, what's your plan after graduation? 

Me: Sir I plan to return to Bangladesh and join an environmental consultancy firm and hopefully soon I'll be able to start a firm of my own.

VO:Where did you complete your graduation? 

Me: I graduated from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology which is one of the best public universities in Bangladesh.... 

VO: (Waving stop sign again with a slight smile) Okay I'm approving your visa. 

After approving, I didn’t hear anything else either due to excitement or background noise, I'm not so sure.

Thanks to Keya Karabi Roy and Mahmudul Hasan Zunaed for constant inspiration and guidance