USA F1 Visa Interview Experience For Nepali Students - Approved #18


Interview Date; 28/09/2022

Consulate: Dubai, UAE 

University Of Center Oklahoma

Time : 9:30 AM

Reached embassy couple of hours earlier so was told to come later around 8:45 . So went to the corniche nearby sat idol for the whole the whole time. I was neither  excited nor nervous wasn't feeling anything at all. Played candy crush as well 🤭.

It's 8:45 am now I went to the gate and joined the queue. Believe me! Still wasn't feeling anything. Everything done like checking and all.  Security asked me to leave my bag and go inside so I  left bag at the entrance and went inside. As I saw the crowd and noticed some people are returning with the passport in their hand even though I was numb. So after biometric I was asked to wait patiently for my turn. After 10 min I think I was asked to join the line so I went to counter 4, I don't know why I changed my mind and after a while I went to counter 3  then like 5 mins later many people joined the same line so the security there beginning from me asked us to join counter '6' as I went to counter '6' I saw the VO 😱 she was such a personality . She was loud  and bold too. I mean, no doubt she being 'VO'! I was so attracted meanwhile when I saw her rejecting the guy, then there goes my Heartbeat high litreallllllllly it was  160b/m I guess. She straight up rejected 4 guys in front of me. My legs were trembling so bad. I just was hoping not to go blank didn't even care about approval just praying not to blackout. I was standing for her to call me, finally following is how it went.

VO : Good Morning little girl ( she greeted even before i could open my mouth?

Me : Good Morning ma'am!

VO : Give me your passport. (leaning forward)

Me : Here it is . 

VO : She just looked at my passport and  passed me a smile .

Me : Smiled back at her ( 15 sec of silence, I gathered my guts took a deep breath and asked her)

Me : How you doing ma'am?

VO : (Again leaned forward) It's so hectic early morning ,how is your's ?

Me : I'm pretty nervous ma'am having cold feets.

VO : It's completely fine. Just be yourself little girl.

Me : (I was so overwhelmed and felt so light by her gesture)

VO : So you're going to study there?

Me : Yes ma'am, to study BSc in Nursing.

VO: Since when you're here and what you doing?

Me: I came here in 2020 Feb since then working as a Medical Assistant in "*******"

VO: So, why did you plan to study?

ME : Ma'am working as a Medical Assistant, I realised it's really tough to compete for higher position with limited skills and knowledge so..

VO : How many colleges did you apply for?

ME:  4 ma'am ( then she was typing in her computer )

VO: So who is sponsoring your studies?

Me: Both of my parents Ma'am. Actually they own entrepreneur business.( She interrupted)

VO : What sort of business?

ME: My father owns ****** whereas my mother owns ******, so both of them together make above $****/yr which is enough to afford my education and living expenses. ( I took a breath and went silent)

VO : She kept on looking at me ( I felt she wanted me to elaborate my answer.

ME : (Smilingly) Said, ofcourse in USA !

VO: Then what are your plans after graduation?

ME : Ma'am I want to join Rehabilitation Center in my hometown which is opened under " Maiti Nepal" one of the organisation who works for HIV Aids's Victims, looks after people who are going through Mental, physical,sexual abuse , I was continuing...

VO: Little Girl, I'm approving your Visa!

 Congratulations 👏👏

ME : I asked her to repeat cause I just heard Visa.

VO : Congratulations 👏 I'm approving your Visa have a safe journey.

Me : 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I was so overwhelmed and left with tears of happiness in my eyes.❤️❤️❤️🎉🎂❤️❤️🎉

Note: just take a deep breath and let go your fear. Speak with full confidence.