
Just received my Passport ❤️

Here is my interview experience 🤘

Visa Status: Issued

Counter : 7 ( Young American Leady, look like an actress 🫣)

University: Arkansas State University

Subject: Computer and Information Science.

Me: Good Morning, Ma'am.( With Smile)

VO: (Smile back) Pass me your I-20 and Passport.

Me: Sure, There you are.

VO : What are you doing now?

Me: Ma'am, I'm a full time student of National University and I'm a semi-professional artist. I teach children about drawing and Painting.

VO: So, you're a creative person.

Me: Just Smiled,( I didn't heard clearly but understood that it was a complement)

VO: What classes will you take in the first semester?

Me: In the first semester, I will take  classes of Fundamentals of Computer Science, Theory of Computation, Algorithm,

Artificila Intelligence, General Programming, Computer Network, And In the second semester... ( She stopped me by weaving her hand)

VO: Who will be your Sponsor?

Me: Both My parents will pay my tuition fee and other expenses. 

VO: What they do?

My Father was in Bahrain for about 15 years and there he worked as a chef for a company called Fine Food, And After returning back from Bahrain he started his Own Restaurant Business in Mohammedpur, Dhaka. ... And My Mother is an Accountant She works at ..( interrupted)

VO: Congratulations You visa is approved 🥰

N.B: I was smiling during the whole interview,( though my knees were shaking 🥴) and VO was very friendly.

Finally, Thanks again Akter Zaman  Vai🥰

Advice: Be Confident and act Naturally.🙏🥰