I need some help ...i had an interview on 30 August 2022


Status : Denied (J1 VISA )

VO: good afternoon 

Me : good afternoon madam

Vo: pass me your documents

Me : here you go(passed)

VO: What are you goin to do in America

Me :I will be doing my agriculture Training program at Livingston enterprise as a swine technician for the period of 12 months 

VO:have you ever been to America before

Me : no av never been there

VO: What program did you study 

Me: I did agriculture,i have a diploma in agriculture

Vo: currently what are you doing

Me : am a student

Vo: sorry we cant give you visa,due to our strict immigration rules 

I figured out that i made a mistake on last question,i said am student, instead of saying that am a civil servant who works with ministry of agriculture as a vertinary officer 

My question 

How am i going to convince the visa officer for my second interview  that i work since 2020 ,

what are my chances of getting the visa if i tell them that am civil servant but goin for j1 program in the USA.

Am i not over qualified for J1 visa ? because i have a job in ministry of agriculture 

Your help will be highly appreciated