
Visa Type: F1

Date: 7 December, 2022 


Time : 12:45 PM

Visa Status: Approved 

Interview Duration: approximately 2 minutes

Counter No. 07

Term: Spring 2023

University: Central Michigan University 

Program: Master’s of Business Administration and Management 

Estimated Average costs for 9 months: 25980$ (living cost+Tuition fee) 

Me: Hello mam! 

VO: Pass me your i20 & Passport. 

Me: Yes mam, here you go.

VO:  Who will gonna pay for you? 

Me:  My father will bear my all expenses. 

VO: What does he do? 

Me: He is a business. He has a XXX (I like to skip this answer. Please pardon me.)

VO: Are you student or working some where? 

Me: Yes i am working at Metlife Insurance Company. 

VO: Since when? 

Me: 2020 to still now. 

VO: Ok Your Visa is Approved

Me: Thank you mam! Thank you very much 🥹