Write a dialogue between a student and the Principal on transfer certificate for class 9 - 10

A dialogue between a student and the Principal on transfer certificate

Myself    :  May I come in, sir?

Principal :  Yes, come in.

Myself    :  Good morning, sir.

Principal :  Good morning. What do you want?

Myself    :  Sir, I want a Transfer Certificate.

Principal :  A Transfer Certificate! Why do you need a Transfer Certificate? It’s the middle of the season.

Myself    :  My father has recently been transferred from Dhaka to Khulna.

Principal :  Oh, I see. Can’t you stay here for the rest of the session?

Myself    :  Sorry, I can’t. My father is unable to afford me here.

Principal :  Don’t you have any relative here?

Myself    :  No, I haven’t.

Principal :  Where is your application?

Myself    :  Here it is, sir.

Principal :  Have you cleared your tuition fees?

Myself    :  Yes, sir. Here is the receipt.

Principal :  Meet the Head Clerk.

Myself    :  Thank you, sir.

Principal :  You’re welcome.