Write a dialogue between two friends on the bad effects of smoking for class 9 - 10

A dialogue between two friends about the bad effects of smoking.

Kabir   : Hello, Masum! How’re you?

Masum : I’m not well. I’ve been suffering from cough but what about you?

Kabir   : I’m fine, but you’ve become a chain smoker nowadays. Smoking may be one of the main causes of your sickness.

Masum : The doctor also said so. Moreover, he said that smoking might cause cancer, heart attack, high blood pressure and some other serious diseases.

Kabir   : The doctor said rightly.

Masum : Besides, tobacco hinders (e¨vnZ K‡i/evav †`q) the easy flow of blood.

Kabir   : Then why you’re not giving up smoking? Is there anything good in smoking?

Masum : No, nothing.

Kabir   : Remember that smoking affects not only the smokers but also the people around them.

Masum : Right. It also causes financial loss.

Kabir   : If you thought seriously about its bad effects, you’d not smoke anymore.

Masum : I tried to give it up, but I could not.

Kabir   : It is a lame excuse. Your will power is enough. It is a suicidal habit (AvZ¥NvZx Af¨vm).

Masum : Yes, I’ll give up smoking totally.

Kabir   : Thank you for your wise decision.

Masum : Thanks a lot for your valuable suggestion.