Write a dialogue between two friends on your illness for class 9 - 10

 A dialogue between you and a doctor on your illness.

Myself : May I come in, Sir?

Doctor : Yes, come in. Please have your seat and let me know your problem.

Myself : Thank you sir. I’ve been suffering from fever for a week. I need an immediate cure as my exam is near at hand.

Doctor : Don’t get worried. Everything will be alright. Let me check you up thoroughly.

Myself : Along with my fever I have cough also.

Doctor : Okay, I see. When do you feel temperature high?

Myself : It’s usually 5 pm to 10 pm.

Doctor : Do you feel any shivering sensation (Kuvcwbi Abyf‚wZ/Kuvcwb †eva) then?

Myself : Yes, I do.

Doctor : Do you get thirst then?

Myself : Yes, I get. I wish I could drink very cold water.

Doctor : Did you take any sort of treatment previously (Av‡M/c~‡e©)?

Myself : Yes, I was under the treatment of a village doctor.

Doctor : Please, show me the prescription (e¨e¯’vcÎ).

Myself : Here it is, Sir.

Doctor : Oh, I see. Yours is malaria. He has prescribed you some medicines but you need a higher dose.

Myself : Please, give me some medicines to be cured.

Doctor : Yes, here are the right medicines.

Myself : Thank you, Sir.

Doctor : You’re most welcome.