Composition My Favorite Teacher

My Favorite Teacher

I honour and respect of all my teacher. I am grateful to all of them for what they have done for me! But among all my teacher dm! tor nr  Wl 'mnnS ill my lechen I tuve ' ,pecial hscinatkm for Mr. Mnhiuddin AVuraj ,dx, tearche, u Fngli,h  He ,, my f,,wme teacher  I regard him t" my rnou re'WNhk yrror' !k i , nghly qutlirred md 'n experienced teacher. Hi, plea'ing manner. rnpnh,X f'enoulity. excellem method of teaching has conquered my heart and rm;de me I true wtr' (I) of him.

 He is usv of xccs, for any student  Whoever feels any problem ,n any tOpK. he comn fonrnrd w,th Ijolly mind and helps him to get over ffie problem. By his an of tcackmg nd tcchmque he can make any difficult subject easy and understandable to the studems. His dcpth of knowlcdge has earned confidence of each and every student of his class. He ncvcr feek annoyed with any of his studenis who come to him with any problem cvm outsidcthe.cLassroum. His nobility and kindness attract not only me but ako every studau of the school  He helps the poor students with books and money just like a father docs to his son. He is verypunctual and regular in taking his classes and doing his duties. He has keen xnse o rtyonsibility that endcars him ro all. He is hard to evil mongers and soft and kmd m sincere and willing learners. He finds delight in working with his students both in cLuvoom and outside tht classroom. He is ready to undergo any trouble for the good of his studcuu. I am a position here to describe all the sterling qualities that possesses.

 He is. so Lo speak. a born teacher and affectiOniue friend. His sense of duty ;md responniIAity together wirh his impressive personality has really conquered my heart. This  is why I hoLd him very high in my eSiimation and reckon him as my favourite teacher l  wish him  tuppy long life.