Important Essay My Aim In Life The Future Plan Of Life SSC HSC

My aim in Life  or, The future plan of life

Every man should have a definite aim in his life. Without a defmite aim none can reach the  height of glory in life. It acts as the guiding force of man to reach his goal in life. A man  with an indefinite aim can hardly reach the goal of life.  Differenl persons have different aims in life. Somebody desires power, somebody wants  wealrh.and riches and somebody craves for honour and high dignity in society. Again, somebody wanrs to be an engineer or a doctor and so on. This choice of profession entirely depends on one's taste. aptitude and intensity of desire. Since my boyhood I have cherished an intense desire in my mind ro become a teacher. My father who is a schoolteacher has inspired me to take this profession. I have also gor the same inspiration from my teachers. I believe that nothing can be nobler than to build up the character of our younger generation. Another reason behind my choice is that teaching is a noble profession and the life of a teacher is a dedicated one. Moreover, 80ulo of our people have no light of education. As such. they are suffering from ignorance. I want to remove the darkness from their minds and make them good citizens of the country. For all these reasons,I have decided to be a teacher. It reminds me of a proverb:       "If you plan for a year, sow a seed,    If you pIan for a decade, plant a plant, If you plan for a century. teach the people".  With a view to reaching my goal I wish to prepare myself first. I am now an S.S.C. examinee. After passing both the S.S.C. and H.S.C. Examinations with credit I shall get myself admitted into a University to complete Honours and Masters Degree. After having done Masters I shall complete the B. Ed. and M.Ed. Course to qualify myself as a good teacher. When I have completed my course of studies, I will join in a High School located at my own village. I will render my best services to the society and the nation at large. In teaching I shall vest all my efforts to enkindle the light of learning in the minds of our young generation. I shall be happy and consider my work amply rewarded, if I can give them proper education and knowledge and make them good citizens of the country.