Composition On A Recent Price Hike of Essential Commodities

A Recent Price Hike of Essential Commodities 

The prices of some major essential commodities including rice, flour, cooking 6,, and vegetables have increased sharply in the Dhaka city markets. Supply shortage caused by floods has pushed up the prices of some essential goods. Low and fixed income group people arc suffering a lot due the price hike of kitchen All the items are now selling at abnormal prices and they have gone beyond the reach of commoners. The prices of both fine and coarse variety rice have risen by Rs 2-3 per lifogram. Coarse variety Irri rice is selling at Rs 23 per kg while fine variety Nazirsail at TIC 32 per kg and Minikes M per kg. Flour is selling at Rs 32 to 33 per kg, showing a rise by 2 per kg. Soyabean oil is selling between Rs 78 and 80 per litre, a rise by Rs 3 per litere compared to last week's rate.

 Among vegetables, aubergine is selling at Rs 50-55 per kg, bitter gourd at Rs 36-40 per kg, pointed gourd at Rs 30-32 per kg and tomato at Rs 60-70 per kg. Price of potato remains unchanged with Rs 18-20 per kg. The prices of onion, however, showed a declining trend in the market. Onion is selling at Rs 36 per kg against Rs 38 per kg a week ago.

Green chili is selling between Rs 80.d 100 per kg while its price was Rs 50,0 per kg a week ago. `The price of green chili has increased as flood has destroyed almost all the green chili fields across the country creating supply shortage. Fishes are selling at lower prices as their supply has increased in the market. A piece of hilsha weighing about one kg is selling at Rs 300 while its price was Rs 500 a wee ago. Prices of all other fishes including Ruh, Katla and Pangas mark some decline. Ruhi is selling at Rs 100 per kg, Katla at Rs 90 Per kg and Pangas at 120 per kg.

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