Easy Composition & Essay Writing On A Policeman

A Policeman     

A policeman is a very important person in any country and society. He is one of the most t:s"i fesponsible public servants. He is usually a man of sound health and good appearance. He   'wears a blue or a khaki dress and a Ieather belt round his waist.  He has many duties to perform. He is entrusted with the task of maintaining law and order in the country. Whenever anybody breaks the law, he can arrest him. It is because of the policeman that our life and property are safe. He protects civilians from criminals and evil- doers.  There is traffic police also. The main duty of a traffic police is to control and regulate the traffic. He generalIy stands on a high pIatform and regulates the traffic by making certain signals with his hands. If any driver goes against the rules, he blows his whistle and stops him. He then charges fine accordingly. The duty of a traffic police is very hard because he has to stand under the scorching sun or in heavy rains for hours together.   At night the policeman patrols the streets and guards our property. Generally a policeman is assigned job at the police stations. During public demonstrations and strikes, he plays a decisive (®t) role. When the crowds become violent, he uses his lathi for controlling the mob. If the situation deteriorates, he can resort to firing but with the permission of the higher authority.  The work of a policeman is really hard, because he has to be on duty round the clock. He is considered to be the custodian of law and order. He maintains peace and order in the society. He has no charity to those who violate discipline and bring disorder in the society. He is the protector of the peace-loving people. In fact, the peace and well-being of a country depends largely on the efficiency and sincerity of her police forces.