New Composition & Essay Writing On A Farewell Ceremony SSC HSC

A Farewell Ceremony

It was February 20, 2007, a farewell ceremony was arranged in honour of the outgoing students of govt. Musim High School. I was one of the outgoing students. The junior students of the school arranged it. It was a memorable day to me. The feeling I had on the day was a mixed one of joy and sorrow. I felt sorrow because it was the end of my school life. I felt happy because I was going to crossover to a higher stage of life. The function started with the recitation from holy Quran at 3 p.m. Our headmaster presided over the function. The junior students then garland us. Then Mr. Salam, a student of class IX gave a moving and heart-rending farewell speech. In his speech he mentioned our long and deep association with them as well as with the school. After his speech,I, on behalf of the outgoing students spoke on the occasion. In my speech I expressed our gratitude to the teachers for their untiring efforts and loving care to impart education to us. I also begged pardon to them for any unintentional offence done to them by us. I told our junior students to forgive and forget if any one of us did any wrong to them. When I wa  delivering the speech,I was feeling sad because of the separation from my old and august institution where I have spent six years of my life. In Lhe end, our headmaster gave an impassioned (WITVIVz7)) speech. In his speech, he gave us some pieces of advice, to be followed in our future course of life. He also expressed his good wishes,love and blessing for us. After his speech, the fUUCtion came to an end. We parted rvrW T\O after taking the blessings of our teachers and good wishes of our friends. While going, we cast our longin  ar mstitution in whose lap we spent the most fgrm dciht:g.lf :kj lifeour great and noble   and living.