Easy Composition & Essay Writing On Duties of Students SSC HSC

Duties of Students

A student has a lot of duties to himself as well as to others. His duties to himself are very :ifPoWahnat k t:Xentstesnt t".fh.is'; ti:dbejt tpart of his life. It is as it were the seedtime of                                           he will reap in his later life. The primary and foremost duty of a student is to prosecute his studies with great care. He should not waste his time and energy in anything other than his studies. He should learn his lesson well and should do his works properly. It is also necessary for him to do physical exercise regularly. For it is well known that one who is sick in body is also sick in mind. PhysicaI exercise ense; a healthy body in a healthy mind. Next he has duties to his parents and to his superiors. The best way to repay them is to fulfil their expectations. A student can learn much from his parents and his superiors. He should also develop the habit of helping others. Besides a student should cultivate good habits and give up bad ones. All our qualities are but che result of our habits formed in our early year. If a student is laborious. honest and sincere in this stage of life. these virtues will guide him through the right path. On the contrary, if he is lazy, dishonest and indifferent in this stage of life, this will spoil his later life. So we should try our best to form good habits and avoid bad ones. In our student life. we should choose our companions with gleat care. So it is the duty of a student to mix with good company and give up bad ones at all costs. The future of a nation depends on what the students are doing today. If a student does not do his duties properly no nation can expect much from him. A student should bear in mind that only students can make a nation great. So he should have take a bold step at the Lime of national need and set everything right.