Easy Composition & Essay Writing On Food adulteration SSC HSC

Food Adulteration 

Public health is now facing a major threat due to adulterated foods. Food items are being   adulterated by mixing with various chemicals and sold to the consumers   A section of dishonest businessmen is engaged in this illegal pract'c  to make windfall  profit. They are making food items attractive by using chemicals to draw consumers in  good numbers. Consumers, out of their ignorance, are buying and eating these foods and   thus inviting various diseases.  Adulteration is not limited to only foods served at hotels and restaurants. A wide range of  essential commodities_ such as fruits aud vegetables are not left out of adulteration.  Unscrupulous CT 'tm) traders spray a kind of chemical on these perishable goods to  keep them fresh for a longer time. Innocent consumers are captive to these dishonest traders  since they have no alternative but to buy these things. They suffer from various diseases after eating these items. Bangladesh Standard Testing Institute has recently iaunched a drive  across the country to stop adulteration of food. This organization has already identified  some restaurants, which were selling adulterated foods and being run in unhygienic atmosphere. It imposed fine on them and in some cases, nahhed a good many restaurant owners involved in this illegaI practice. But despite this drive, this social ill is yet to be removed. Health is wealth. One can't think of any success in life with ill health. Unhealthy people are the main obstacle to making over all progress of a nation. Taking into account the dire consequence of food adulteration the government as well as different Socio-cultural organ- izations should come forward to fight against food adulteration for making a happier nation.