Easy Important Composition & Essay Writing On A Postman SSC HSC

A Postman

A postman is a very familiar person in our society. He brings us news from our near and dear ones living in distant places. He is known to all sections of people for his services. Even a child can instantly recognise him when he knocks at the door, A postman is known to us all for his traditional uniform and dress. He usuaHy wears khaki uniform supplied by the postaI department. He always carries a bag on his shouider containing ietters, money orders, parcels and other postal articles for delivery. He is seen to carry an umbrella over his head during the rain and the summer. The postman performs a lot of duties. His daily work begins in the post office with the sorting of letters, parcels, money orders etc. After coHecting letters, parcels, money orders etc. from the post office he goes out on his beat. The postman in a town goes from house to house to deliver them. He generally drops the letters into the private letterboxes. Where  rhere is no letterbox he drops the letters through some openings of the door. A village postman goes on his beat twice or thrice a week. He comes to the market place on hat day and delivers letters. parcels. money orders etc. to their addressees. A postman is very punctual. dutiful, smcere, honest and hard - working. He never neglects his duties though he is ill paid. ill clad. In all weather, whether good or bad he performs his duties sincerely and honestly. The postman is a good man and a good friend to us. He brings news from our friends and relatives. We always eagerly wait for him and hope that he will bring some good news for us. Sometimes. he brings bad news and makes us unhappy and sad. But when he brings good news our heart fills with pleasure and joy. This is why the postman is always welcomed by all. It reminds us the rhyme  Postman. postman, don't be late,   Pass the letter over the gate.'  Really a postman is a very helpful person to us. He performs the most responsible job in the society. But it is a matter of great regret that he gets a very poor salary for which he always remains in Vvant and poverty. We hope our government would take proper steps to improve his lot.