Composition How to Keep in Good Health

How to Keep in Good Health

  Health is the most valuable wealth of a man. It is the source of all happiness. A man who  is healthy can enjoy a happy and long life. To keep in good health we are supposed to da  cenain things. These are known as the rules of health. There are some rules specified for  both physical and mental health. They are complementary to each other.  For maintaining our physical health we have to take proper food i.e. balanced diet. The  other factors relating to our physical health are drinking clean water. sleeping properly. taking rest at intervals. Without them it is sheer impossible for us to keep in good health. In addition to these. we have to take regular physical exercise. Regular physical exercise makes a man strong and active and keeps him free from diseases. The last and not the least is to observe the rules of cleanliness. Rules of cleanliness help us to remain fresh, clean and healthy. For our good mental health we nave to follow the rules of mental health. That is we must have control over.our emotion. we must have patience and we must have respect for other people's feelings. Above all we have to face reality and behave socially. Without facing reality we simply live in a world of dreams.  Thus in order to be healthy both physically and mentally we should strictly adhere to the to the above rules of health. Without following the rules of  health our expectation for a health life will be a utopia