Composition on Obedience to Parents

Obedience to Parents 

  By obedience to parents we mean to act and behave according to the advice and  insrructions of our parents. It is our bounden duty to obey our parents and to act according   to their 'vill and advice. We have seen the light of this earth only because of our parents.  A human child is born absolutely helpless. It is the parents who tenderly and affectionately  bring it up into adult. The troubles and sufferings they undergo for us can never be  described in words. There is none in this world who is dearer to us than our parents. This  is why, we should obey our parents and not do anything that may wound their feelings. By obeying our parents and acting according to their will and advice we can recognize their valuable services done to us. All the great men in the world became great and famous by being loyal to their parents. Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar, Byazid Bostami, Casabianca are shining examples before us for their obedience and duties to their parents. Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar did not hesitate to run the risk of his own life by swimming across the terrible Damodor in the dark night to see his mother in time. Byazid Bostarni jood all the night with a gIass of water in the hand beside his mother. Casabianca laid down his life on the burning deck where he was posted by his father. So, we must thinkit a sacred duty to become compl t:l  red, n  t? our parents. We must :;say or, do anything that may wound in their minds  We must behave with them humbly    politely. We must alwaysr:a c; by their their weal and woe. A man who disobe s his parercs and pains their heart ca   e his life.If he do  ; y                                                        n n etibehhap:pyr lifd successful in            e  not obey his parents, he will meet same fat in his later life.