Composition on A Visit to A Hospital For SSC & HSC Students

A Visit to A Hospital 

 Last week we, the students of Class X, were taken to a hospital for a visit. Our school   organised it. We were accompanied by our Biology teacher. Mr Z I Khan. We entered the   hospitaJ through the Casualty Department where painful sights caught our eyes. All the  emergency patients were there. There was a great deal of activities going on with doctors  and nurses attending on them.  We then went upstairs and peeped into the male and female wards. Then we went to the  children's ward and spent some time there. We had brought sweets for the patients, which  we distributed among the children. Some of the children were so seriously ill that they  could not eat. We felt really'9orry for them. We talked to them and tried to cheer them up. From there we were taken to the X-ray department, the surgical wing and the Pathology section. We then attended a short lecture class on general health. At one stage, I got separated from the group and while looking for my friends I opened a door at random (t'hn7WC) It was a cabin where I saw a frail. old lady lying on the bed. But she did not look happy at all. I went up to her. Instead of getting angry at the invasion to her privacy, she requested me to stay. She asked me all about myself and then told me that I reminded her of her grandson. Before taking leave I promised to come and see her again. This visit to the hospital gave me a great experience indeed.