Easy & Common Essay My Native Village SSC HSC

My Native Village

 The name of my village is Chaupalli. It is a renowned village in the district of Lakshmipur. It bears the testimony to the rich heritage of its glorious past. Nature has adorned her with green trees and meadows. Her beautiful scene and scenery feed the eyes qf the viewers. To me it is the sweeteSL place on the earth. Its land area is about four square kilometres with vast green fields on all sides. Two semi- pucca roads run through the viflage Jeading to all directions. The houses stand like vigilant guards on both sides of the roads.         . Nearly five thousand people live in my vilIage. Most of them are Muslims with only a few families of Hindus. Both the Hindus and the Muslims live together in peace here. The villagers are simple, innocent and peace-loving. Most of them belong to middle class. Agriculture is the main occupation of the villagers. About 80 of the people are agriculturists. Some traders, service holders, lawyers, doctors and teachers also iive here.

The villagers are active and hard working. They always try to develop the village in order  to make it an ideal one. There are two primary schools. one high school and a Madrasha in the village. All of which are located at the cenrre of the village. There is a market in the middle of the viIlage   - where the villagers get their daily necessities. The means of communication of the vilIage is higlrly developed. A pucca road runs through the village that leads to different districts and the capital city. One can easiJy go along this road to the district town and the nearest railway station. The climare of it is moderate. It is quite congenial to the health of the people all the year. So, most of the people here are healthy.Iam really very proud of my village.