Easy Essay Composition The Rainy Season of Bangladesh SSC HSC

The Rainy Season of Bangladesh

  Bangladesh is a land of six seasons. The rainy season is one of them. It comprises the Bengali months of Ashar and Sravan. After a long spell of hot weather, the rainy season comes witl-r showers to cool the earth. Our economy, culture and way of life are closely related to it. The rainy season is caused by monsoon. The south-west monsoon that blows over                                                               
Bangladesh from the Bay of Bengal brings much vapour with it. As a result, there occurs heavy rainfall during the monsoon in our country. During the rainy season the sky ofteJl remains overcast with thick black-clouds that cover across the sky close to the earth's surface. Violent blasts of wind blow, lightning (rtJR) flashes and thunder (WXts) roars. The sun remains hidden behind the clouds and it rains in torrents. Sometimes, there is continuous rain for days together. The low-lying lands go under water and look like a vast sheet of water.  The rainy season undoubtedly does much good to us. Nature assumes ('ffqlaszfD a new appearance at the advent of the rainy season. The landscape appears green. The rainwater washes away the filth and purifies the surface of the eaflh. It lessens the intense heat of. summer. It makes our land alluviaI, fertiie and suitable for growing better crops. The atmosphere becomes clean and free of dust. The rainy reason is not an unmixed blessing alI the times. It has disadvantages too. During this season the roads in the countryside become muddy and slippery and as such people can't go from one place to another on foot easily. Sometimes heavy rainfall overflows the banks of the rivers and causes floods, which damage our crops, cattle, houses and properties.  But whatever the demerits of the rainy season,it is the most important and useful season in our country. The prosperity and development of our agriculture, which is the heart of our economy largely. depend on the mercy of the rainy season. The people of Bangladesh always welcome it and like to enjoy its beauty.