Easy Composition & Essay on My First Day at School

My First Day at School

I was then a boy of six. My father proposed that I should be admitted into a school in class I. I felt both jOy and fear. It was Sunday. Mother washed me well, combed my hair and dressed me in new costly clothes. Father aso dressed himself in fine clothes and became ready. Then I went to school with my father. My father took me to the headmaster and requested him to admit me in class I. At first I felt a bit nervous and shy in a new situation where everything was unfamiliar to me. But the loving and affectionate words of the headmaster help me to get rid of my fear and shyness. Ilooked at him and he, with a smile, asked me what my name was. I told him my name. I also replied to the other questions of the headmaster quite well. The headmaster was pleased at my performance and admitted me in class one. Then he called the class teacher Mr. Anwar who took me to the class. The class teacher introduced me with the other boys in the class. They welcomed me with smiling faces. After a few minutes Ilooked out of through the window and saw father going home. I wished I could follow him. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I bent down my head between my knees. A boy sitting beside me whispered, (TCqIFTCelan "Nothing to weep. I am your friend." I raised my head. dried my eyes and gave attention to my class. The school broke up at 12. After schoolI ran back home. Mother was at the gate to receive me. She stretched her arms and Ileapt into her arms. She kissed me. That was my first day at school. Since then many days and years have passed by. But my first day at school still peeps in my memory.