SSC HSC Essay Writing On The Importance Of Trees in Our life

The importance of Trees in Our life

Trees are the most important g'fts of Nature. They help us in maintaining the ecological balance. which is c  i would be impossiblYif t .:.fort'hf t .sreXtiohne:ofyleif;. on the earth. The existence of life                                                             rc l of our life. But it's a marter of great ::eg;et that most of the people in 'uarrec puartrynLpa  e ; and utility in ourlife.                                                          iOt k  ow their importance Trees provide immense wealth and riches for us. We get different kinds of deIicious fruits such as mangoes, jackfruits, coconut, black-barries. guavas, lichis etc. from our trees. Some fruits are noted fo: containing vitamins that make us healthy and protect us from diseases. By taking in Carbon dioxide and giving off Oxygen in the air rrees heIp us to exist on the earth. They are sssential to build up our dwelling houses, doors. windows and other furniture to dec    :e our houses. They give us shade. A wea0' traveller often drives away his fatigue sitting under a shady tree. ThZ re also a great source of our income. We can earn a lot of money by selling fruits and tmesXs  .ch, rhey help us to come out of the grip of poverty. Moreover we need trees to eniure : cool and healthy climate for us. They induce rains and prevent air pollution. An area devoid of forests  nd trees will go barren and tum into a desert in course of time. They prevent our soil from being washed away by rainwater and  floods. They protect us from storms and cyClones also. Really ':e s are our best friends. We should protect them and try to plant them more and more around us.