SSC HSC Essay The Season I Like Most

The Season I like most

 Bangladesh is a land of six seasons. Of all the seasons I like spring most. It comprises the  Bengali months of Falgun and Chaitra. After the cnd of winter it comes with all its  beauties and channs.  It is the loveliest and the most charming of all seasons. In this season, there is neither the  bitterness of winter nor the scorching heat of summer. This season appears with the sweet  smell of flowers along with the sweet twittering of birds that make us forget the bleak  (rc) 'vinter days. It is the spring that brings life to Nature that was tifeless in winter.  Poets of all countries and of all ages have ever sung of it. This is why I like the spring most.  At the advent of spring Nature awakes from slumber and assumes a new and lovely look.  Trees and plants get adorn with new leaves and flowers. The south-west wind blows and spreads the sweet smell of flowers all around. Bees fly with humming sounds from flower  to flower in search of honey. Butterflies also spreading their colourful wings fly from flower to flower. The cuckoo sings melodious song hiding itself in the bush. Nature looks f£esh and lively in the midst of beautiful things and objects. Vegetables grow in plenty in this season. When one looks at the vegetables' gardens it seems that some one has spread out a green sheet of cloth all over the field. It is easy and convenient to move from one place to another in the countryside during this season. It is the season of joy and merriment for the villagers. Most of the village festivals such as-Village fair, Jatra. Kabigan. etc. are held in this season. This season has a great influence on the minds of the people. The people of all ages enjoy its beauty with a cheerful mind. The beauties of Nature inspire the poets in composing poems. The more spring we have in our Iife, the more shall we be fortunate in our short span of life.