Essay Writing On The Use of Radio in Our Day to Day Life India SSC HSC

The Use of Radio in Our Day to Day life

 Radio is the one of the wonders of modern science. Its invention has lessened the distance among different countries and as such the world has come smaller than before. At present it is one of the best media of communication. It provides us with the day to day news and views of home and abroad. Sitting before a radio set, we can know what happens in different parts of the world. Apart from giving news, it gives us information about weather.  It is an excellent means of recreation. After day's work, sitting before a radio set, we can enjoy various enjoyable programmes such as games and sports like football, cricket, tennis etc held in various parts of the world.It cheers us with its musical programmes too. A man of the city can enjoy Lhe folk songs of villages and similarly a man living in village can enjoy the modern songs through the radio. Besides music, we can also enjoy dramas through radio, which are equally entertaining. It is also one of the best media of advertisements. Information about new products are brought before the notice of millions of people in a few seconds through it. Through radio politicalleaders can make peope aware of their programmes and can form their opinions. Besides these, the radio air special programmes for special listeners Iike for the students, the farmers, the children, the women, the housewives. the labourers, the soldiers and so forth. In developing countries like us. it instruces the common pcople about the value of family planning. dangers of over population, rules of health and value of education etc. It's reAlly a unique gifi of science to modem civili;:allon and culture. If we can use it properly it can bring infinite good for us.